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December 23, 2021 3 min read

Resistance bands are fitness bands that are also more commonly known as 'booty' bands. Nowadays, they are everywhere. It has become the ideal training aid for fitness novices to professionals. Additionally, they’re easy to use, fairly-priced, and portable,

Because of their durability and versatility, resistance bands can be applied to a wide range of exercise applications. At the same time, there are numerous programs that could help you get started.

If you're new to weight training or incorporating equipment into your workouts, these bands and this program are a great place to start. Here are seven glute-specific resistance band workouts you can do today.

The Ground Rules

Before anything, let's lay down some ground rules before we get started with this delightful at-home workout.

  • Each set in this workout will last about 30 seconds.
  • Take a 15-second break between sets. 
  • Don't forget to bring plenty of water!
  • Always begin this resistance band workout with a 30-second warm-up.

Triple Pulse Pile Squats

  • Start with some pulse plie squats and work our way up to some resistance band work.
  • Begin by spreading both feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Then pulse three times, rising and squeezing your glutes on the fourth count.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds, focusing your weight on your toes.

Reverse Lunges and Squats

  • Begin with a reverse lunge and a resistance band wrapped around your knees.
  • Reverse your step direction and bend your knees to a 90-degree angle lunge.
  • Hands gripped tightly will help you stay balanced throughout this activity. Return to a squat with your hips wide apart and pulse once more.
  • For a really effective glute exercise, repeat for a total of 30 seconds.

Reverse Hyperextension

  • Begin by laying down on your yoga mat, chest down. Your arms should be folded behind your chin, and your face should be looking straight ahead!
  • Lift and keep both legs above the ground for 1-2 seconds. Then, with your toes just touching the ground, repeat for 30 seconds.
  • Reverse hyperextensions are excellent for glutes and hamstrings, boosting hip flexibility and resistance to lower back pain.

Walking Side Squats

  • Squat with your feet hip-width apart at one end of the mat. Then, take a right stride until your feet are shoulder-width apart.
  • Rep with your left foot until your hips are hip-width apart.
  • To take small steps, repeat this approach on the left side.
  • For 30 seconds, walk sideways.

Knee Squats

  • Begin by kneeling with your bottom nearly on your heel. Maintain looking straight ahead with a straightened back.
  • Drive your hip forward with both hands behind your ears, strengthening your glutes and glutes.
  • The key element is to keep your spine straight and prevent straining your neck when thrusting forward.

Curtsy Lunges

  • Begin by putting your left foot behind your right and lunging down to the ground, almost touching your knees. Rep from right to the left knee and vice versa!
  • You may enhance your posture and hip stability by exercising your gluteus medius.
  • Curtsy lunges are a fun at-home training activity to try out. It's simple enough for a beginner, but adding a resistance band greatly improves gluteus medius strength.

Leg Raises

  • Finish your resistance band training by placing your hands behind your ears.
  • Assemble a straight back and an upright stance. Then, with your right leg, kick as far as you can.
  • After 30 seconds, repeat with your left leg.
  • Standing leg raises are a basic workout that may be made considerably more effective by combining them with resistance bands. It is used to fundamentally strengthen the legs and promote general lower body flexibility.


That's it! That’s all you need for a beginner-friendly booty workout. If you've spent hours searching the internet for the finest booty and lower body workouts, you should know that incorporating a resistance band into your home workout will double your results. And with these easy tips and tricks, you’ll get the body (and the booty) you want in no time.

If you’re a beginner who is clueless about finding thebest resistance bands, POWERBANDS® offer resistance band equipment that aims to meet your exercise goals no matter your fitness level. Shop our collection today and get moving!
