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January 13, 2022 3 min read

For a long time, fitness seemed like an inaccessible luxury. Most people have stayed away from the activity because of this belief, but many progressive thinkers have found ways to make it more accessible over time. These thinkers have helped advance the lifestyle in ways that will not break backbones or bank accounts.

Resistance training has become the hottest new trend in health, but there are no signs that it will fade away anytime soon. Those who use this exercise regularly can expect to see results in their bodies over time. 

The number of workout possibilities is nearly limitless, so people can choose which variations they want to try out. These workouts are accessible and doable for just about anyone. You can expect to see results when you use them consistently and correctly. 

That said, not everyone uses them correctly. One of the universal fitness rules is to understand how to use the equipment properly. Because there are plenty of ways to use it right, it might be easier if you know the potential ways you're using it wrong.

To help you on your fitness journey, here are some of the most common mistakes people make when using resistance bands for training:

Going Too Heavy, Too Soon

People tend to overwork themselves when they're just starting with a new type of exercise. It's common to want to push yourself to the limit. When you do that, though, it sets you up for injury. Using the heavy bands before you've gotten used to the equipment is a fast way to get hurt.

It's a good idea to start with the easiest set for you to use. You don't want to get beyond your level of comfort or ability. The first few weeks should be spent on getting a feel for using the bands.

Frequent Training, But Low Resistance

It's easy to get caught up in counting during exercise. You might ignore the weight of the band itself. If you're using a band that's too light, it won't give you the strength or resistance you need. This will keep your workout from being effective.

If you use light weights, you could be doing yourself a disservice. You might think you're doing great, but eventually, you're going to get to a point where you're at a plateau. You won't be able to make the progress you want if you're using light weights.

Not Rotating Your Workouts and Bands

Resistance bands are made to be used. If you want to get the most out of them, you really should use them regularly. Experts suggest working them into your fitness routine at least 2-3 times per week. But if you're expecting results, you need to be sure you're doing a variety of exercises and resistance bands in each workout.

This allows you to get the different effects that you could need. For example, if you're trying to build up your upper body, you might not want to use the upper body bands every time. You could also do some lower body exercises or cardio for variety.

The Bottom Line

Resistance bands are great for a wide range of fitness needs. You can use them for strength training, stretching, and even getting a good cardio workout. There are all kinds of different bands available, and you can always get different levels of resistance. Athletes and bodybuilders alike use them for a good workout.

To get the most out of your workout, though, you need to be sure to do it correctly. Otherwise, it could lead to injuries. Additionally, if you try to use them too early or too often, you might give up on your fitness goals before getting where you want to be. If you're unsure how to use resistance bands, talk to a fitness professional.

If you are looking for high-qualityresistance band sets, we can help you. At POWERBANDS ®, our mission is to improve the quality of our customers' lives through movement. With hard work, good exercise, and a proper diet, you can unlock your body’s true potential. Browse through our store now and find what you need to start your fitness journey!
