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November 25, 2021 3 min read

Many people are starting to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives. No matter what their goals are—whether it's losing weight, building muscle, or recovery—it's important to have the right that could help you get the most of every workout. 

While circuit and strength training will use heavy weights for lifting, some mobility and strength workouts rely on resistance bands that could give you the extra resistance and weight you need for every exercise. A workout that can benefit from the use of resistance bands is yoga. And although there's such a thing as a yoga belt, resistance bands can provide you with an extra oomph that could take your yoga practice to the next level.

Benefit #1: You Get More Pull When You Use a Resistance Band

If you're wondering the key difference between a yoga belt and a resistance band, it's this—you get constant tensile feedback from using a resistance band. This means that when you move against it, your muscles start to learn more, and your sensory system gets more input with what's going on in space. 

Besides getting stronger, your body also gets to move smarter, allowing you to control every movement.  With improved motor control, you get to speak to different functions of your muscles, allowing you to effectively perform specific exercises, overcome pain from injury, and improve mobility. 

Benefit #2: You Get to Experience Various Levels of Resistance

Unlike yoga belts, resistance bands can provide you with different resistance levels, ranging from super light to super heavy. Because of this, you can maximize different exercises and build strength without even lifting heavy!

Thanks to resistance bands, you get to build your external load, which encourages you to combine your body weight and an external load to do certain exercises. With the proper level of resistance, you'll get to build your form, not only to enhance the way you perform exercises but to protect you from injuries as well. 

Benefit #3: You Get Constant External Resistance from All Types of Muscle Contractions

A muscle can contract in different ways—it can contract and exert internal force by shortening, lengthening, and staying in the same length. With that, it's highly recommended that you train your muscles this way to get stronger on all types of contractions. 

With resistance bands, you can provide constant, abiding tension that helps muscles embrace and resist tension, allowing you to explore your range of motion. This makes you stronger, preventing you from collapsing and sticking to forms and poses for longer. 

The Bottom Line: Resistance Bands are Your New Yoga Buddies

Seeing as you get an extensive range of benefits from using resistance bands, it's smart to incorporate them into your yoga practice to elevate your skills and form. Now that you're able to focus on different muscle contractions, you can monitor your muscle control, allowing you to perform better and get the most out of your muscles. 

How Can We Help You?

If you're looking for high-qualityresistance bands in Australia, POWERBANDS® is here for you. 

Our mission is to improve the movement of your customers. With this in mind, we won't settle for anything less than the best POWERBANDS® manufactured in the market. If you want to elevate your next yoga session, it's worth checking out our resistance bands!
