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November 10, 2022 3 min read

If you're looking for a workout that can improve your speed, agility, and explosiveness on the football field, look no further than resistance bands exercises. 

The lower body muscles needed in football can be developed with resistance bands. Resistance bands are a common tool used by professional football players to enhance their performance.

The line of scrimmage determines the outcome of football games. You can outrun your opponent off the line by doing these three resistance band football routines to help you get stronger and more forceful. 

Here are the exercises you can do with resistance bands to improve your football skills: 

Linebacker Pop

Behind the line of scrimmage, linebackers are positioned in a squatted "ready" position. At the snap of the ball, a big lineman or rushing back will charge at you to push you back and stand you up. What do you need to do? You must give the other player a loud pop to get him to get up and move back so you may resume the game.


  • Anchor:Place your resistance bands close to the bottom of the door to serve as an anchor.
  • Attachments:Your arms should be secured with ankle straps directly above the elbows. After you've secured the straps, you should slide the ring under your arm.
  • Body Position:Take the linebacker or "football ready" stance to begin.


  • From the "ready" position, go to the right and use as much force as possible against the opposition in front of you. 
  • You'll practice pushing or punching him hard to avoid being knocked out by a lineman. 
  • After that, go back to your "ready" position. You can alternate 1 rep from one side to the other or execute a particular number of reps on one side before switching.

Three- Or Four-Point Stance Forward and Back

Many muscles generate the force required to eject a player from the line of scrimmage in the legs working together. These exercises strengthen specific muscles. Don't worry, and increase the resistance significantly! You'll be shocked by how worn out you become and how intense the burning in your legs becomes. Chase them down!


  • Anchor:Place your resistance bands close to the bottom of the door to serve as an anchor. 
  • Attachments: To secure each ankle, use a different ankle strap. Make sure the strap's ring is facing the back of your ankle.
  • Body Position: Start in a three- or four-point position, depending on your stance and preference.


  • Make sure you are sufficiently removed from the anchor for the bands to be taut before you move or issue directions.
  • Keep your head up and your butt down during this exercise to gain the most benefit.
  • Step quickly to perform one rep of this exercise, step back into your 3- or 4-point stance, then step calmly.

Forward and Side Step

The bulk of plays will be advantageous to either side of the ball. Since the battle will be won by the first person to attack, you must move more swiftly. After the ball is snapped, this practice can assist you in developing your agility and footwork.


  • Anchor:Place your resistance bands close to the bottom of the door to serve as an anchor. 
  • Attachments: To secure each ankle, use a different ankle strap. Make sure the strap's ring is facing the back of your ankle.
  • Body Position: Adopt a three-point stance with your body.


  • Make sure you are sufficiently removed from the anchor for the exercise bands to be taut before you move or issue directions. 
  • Tension must be created for the fast-twitch muscle fibers to fire more frequently. These are the muscles that generate power and strength. Three-point your feet and raise your head. 
  • Step with your right foot forward and your left foot to the left to return to your starting position.
  • Remember that you are shifting from a down position to a three-pointed one. As soon as you stand up, someone will come up to you; be ready to pop them. 
  • The best approach is to stay focused on the current work. Additional choices include doing a specific number of reps to the right, then to the left, or both.


If you want to progress your football game, consider adding resistance band exercises to your training regimen. By working on your explosiveness, strength, and power, you can become a more well-rounded player better equipped to take on whatever the game throws your way. Plus, resistance bands are inexpensive and easy to use, so there's no excuse not to try them.

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