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February 10, 2022 3 min read

Many people try to work on their buttocks in an attempt to make them bigger. One popular exercise is squats, as they can help increase thigh, calf, and glute muscles and cause overall growth in the buttocks. 

If one wants to increase the size of their buttocks, then they must regularly exercise their glutes. The main extensor muscle in the buttock region is the gluteus maximus; thus, doing exercises that target it can help increase the overall size of a person’s buttocks.

Adding resistance bands to your workout will elevate your squat game. Let's take a closer look at why and how it works.

How Squats Make Your Butt Bigger

When doing squats, there are four key points of the movement. They are:

  • The unloading stage
  • Initial movement
  • The extended movement
  • The load-bearing stage

As you can see, the squat has a set path of motion determined by the height of the squat stand. If a person is not able to go to parallel due to a lack of flexibility or a lack of strength, they are not performing the exercise correctly.

The stages of the squat are essential for the gluteus maximus to be engaged during the entire movement. The back must be kept in a neutral position and the chest should be up as well. 

Allowing the chest to slump lowers the shoulder and takes the pressure off the chest; this means that the glutes are not engaged as much as they should be.

Squats are commonly used to increase muscle mass and improve overall strength. However, you should not only make sure to squat with the correct form, but you should also be sure to keep your motivation up. This will make sure you succeed in your endeavor to build a bigger butt.

How to Do Squats

In the starting position, you should be standing with the feet slightly wider than the shoulders with the toes pointing out. When you begin, make sure you push your hips back and bend your knees.

Proper squatting form dictates that the knees be aligned over the toes while the back is kept in a neutral position and the chest is up. While doing this exercise, it is important that the exercises should be done with slow, controlled movements.

When doing squats, it is crucial to try to feel the muscles doing the work. The gluteus maximus is the main muscle that should be working during the squat.

If done correctly, squats can help increase your overall strength and provide a great cardiovascular workout.

How to Include Resistance Bands in Your Squats

Resistance bands are great to use when performing squats. They are super portable, so you can easily take them anywhere with you. They are also a great way to add a little extra resistance and challenge to your workout.

This resistance can help build and tone the muscles of the back and shoulders if you are doing a weighted squat; it can also help build your strength if you are not using any weight.

If you are using a resistance band to help build your strength, the band should be looped around your back so that the band is parallel with the floor.


Overall, adding resistance bands to your squat workout can help you strengthen your glutes and build muscle mass and strength in the buttocks region. Resistance bands are a great, easy-to-use option to help challenge you in your workouts.

Looking to try out this innovative squat routine for yourself? POWERBANDS® offers the bestresistance bands in Australia that will elevate your workout. Take a look at our expansive catalogue of bands today!
