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April 14, 2022 3 min read

If you are looking for an alternative to gym workouts and fitness classes, it is highly recommended that you purchase resistance bands. They are ideal for people who love to work out in the comfort of their own homes.

There are so many different resistance bands available in the market. They consist of different materials and come in different sizes, lengths and resistances. Use resistance bands to build strength, increase balance, improve agility and flexibility and build cardio.

Exercises using resistance bands are usually classified as either beginner, intermediate or advanced. You can start with the beginner exercises if you are new to resistance bands. We have shared the different resistance band exercises you can do at home. 

Resistance Band Bicep Curls

Build strength in your biceps with these resistance band bicep curls whether in a standing or sitting position. Start by tying a resistance band to a sturdy, stable object. This will depend on the length of your resistance band. The longer the band, the higher the strength needed in your arms. You can start off with a low-level band if you are a beginner. For this exercise, you will be using your weaker arm first. 

  • Connect one end of the band to your hand and then loop the end of the band around your foot. 
  • With your dominant hand and arm, pull the band. 
  • While doing so, curl your hand towards your shoulder. 
  • Repeat this motion until you feel exhausted. Do the same motion using your other arm.

Resistance Band Push-Ups

If you love doing push-ups, you can now do them with a resistance band. Resistance bands are usually great for the upper body.

  • Loop a resistance band around your wrists. While doing so, keep your hands in the centre of the band.
  • Take a wider stance and place your hands on the floor while holding your band. 
  • Lower your body towards the floor by bending your elbows at a 90° angle. 
  • Do the push-up motion but with the band assisting your arms. 
  • Repeat the same motion until you feel exhausted.

Resistance Band Squats

There are so many different kinds of squats, and you can do them with a resistance band. Squats are an excellent exercise for your hips, legs and lower body in general.

For this resistance band squat, you will need a large band that is about twice your height. 

  • Connect one end of the band to a stable object and loop the other end around both your feet. 
  • Position your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your feet on the floor with your knees slightly bent. 
  • Slowly squat down to the floor, keep your back straight, your head up and your shoulders back. 
  • Stretch your arms in front of you for stability. 
  • When you are about to reach the floor, slowly rise back up. 
  • Repeat this motion until you feel exhausted.

Resistance Band Triceps Kickbacks

This is a simple and quick arm exercise that will tone your triceps. For this exercise, you will need a band and a stable object.

  • You can loop one end of the band around a sturdy object and then loop the other end around your hand. 
  • Connect the middle of the band to your elbow. 
  • Then, extend your arm behind with your palm facing out. 
  • Do not use your other hand for assistance, even if you feel you are struggling to hold the band. 
  • Slowly bring your elbow down towards your back. 
  • Then, slowly extend your arm and bring it back to its initial position. 
  • Repeat the same motion until you feel exhausted.


The resistance band is a popular choice among people who like to work out at home. Resistive bands are inexpensive, portable and easy to use. These bands are also safe to use and can contribute to your whole body strength. You can use resistance bands to work on your whole body or focus on specific areas such as your arms, biceps, abs, thighs and glutes. If you are unsure where to start, it is highly recommended that you purchase different bands and start experimenting.

POWERBANDS® provides premiumresistance bands in Australia which make up a key component of today’s most progressive training programs. Let us help you reach your goals while focusing on your core, lower body, arms and more! Check out our list of resistance bands today!
